Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Self Reflection

When I had discussion with my group members about the tentative of the project, I realised that the things that I knew was too little. The activities that I have suggested was more academic-based. I did not know much about games. I learnt a lot from my group members about the interesting games and group activities that could be included in the activities. We had made sufficient preparation to make the project a success.
When I reached Rumah Tumpangan dan Sekolah Anak-Anak Yatim dan Miskin, I was greeted by a few children with warm smiles. I felt welcomed. While I was waiting for other members to set up the place for tutoring sessions, I talked to the children. I introduced myself to them and they were excited to introduce themselves to me too. The children were all very friendly. They were eager to share their stories with me. I could feel that they need more love and care from us. They were sharing their life at the orphanage. I listened patiently to them, as I knew they wanted attention from me. I was surprised that some of them are not orphans, but they were sent there because their families were too poor that they could not afford to raise the children. Some of them were either physically or mentally abused. During the tutoring sessions, I was in charge of primary school Mathematics tuition. When I was teaching the children, some of 10-year-old children could not perform addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. I taught them using the ‘counting apples’ method that I learnt in primary school. I showed them several examples so that I could understand the method. Then, I asked them to attempt a few questions and they could answered them correctly. I was very proud of them that they could learn in a short time. I was proud of myself too as I could make them understand. After that, the children learnt simple multiplication too. I wrote multiplication for them and asked them to memorise. They were able to memorise the multiplication of five. They tried to answer a few multiplication questions and they were able to answer it correctly. I had achieved one of the objectives of the program, which was to teach them simple Mathematics operation.
During the lunch break, a child named Najwa came to approach me. She was one of the children that attended my tutoring sessions. She talked to me and learnt simple Chinese language from me. When the group activities session was about to start, she told another facilitator that she wanted me, “Nak Kak Sue!”. She wanted to be in the same group as I was. I joined the group activities with her and we played games together. She was always beside me and followed wherever I went. She has an elder sister called Latipah, which was also in the same group as us. They were just like my sisters. I felt extremely happy as I wish to have a sister since I was little. We had enjoyable game sessions together. After game sessions, it was motivational videos sessions. I sat on the floor with all the children and watched the videos together. They shared their opinions with me. I encouraged them to go to the front and share their opinions with all the facilitators and their friends. However, they were shy to talk in front. I realised that talking in front of crowd require practice to conquer the fear. It could not be done in a day. There was one thing that I felt regretful, which was during the prize-giving ceremony. Najwa was excited that she was going to get a prize as I assured her she would get a prize for the Maths tutorial, because she was only 8 years old but she was able to perform multiplication and division operation after I taught her. I was so sure that I checked all her answers and she got all correctly. I was overconfident that she would get a prize. I broke her hope. She was very upset for that. I could see her disappointment. She was even reluctant to join us for group photo sessions after that. I went to find her I were about to leave but I could not find her. I said goodbye to her sister Latipah and left the place. If I could find her, I would apologize to her. I felt guilty that I made her disappointed.

The SPE members and I joined the group activities.


From the left: Fatin, Latipah, Najwa and me

One week later, I went to Rumah Anak Kesayanganku. When I reached there, the children welcomed us but they were shyer compared to the children at Rumah Tumpangan dan Sekolah Anak-Anak Yatim dan Miskin. This was because they seldom attended programs held by organizations or university students like us. We started by ice breaking sessions. We introduced ourselves and played games with them. They were very shy to introduce themselves. They were separated into boys and girls groups, as the girls were too shy to speak to the boys. During the lunch break, some of the girls came to approach me as they were eager to learn Chinese language. I was more than happy to teach them some basic Chinese words too. After the lunch break, there was tutoring sessions. Chew Mei Sung and I was in charge for Chinese language tutorials. We taught them some Pinyin, basic Chinese words and phrases, simple Chinese songs and gave them Chinese names based on the pronounciation of their Malay names. They were very excited for Chinese class. They asked a lot of questions to learn more. I realised that I am more patient that what I expected. At that moment, I felt like it was not a bad idea that I can be a teacher when I graduate later. I am willing to teach them every weekend even if there is no social engagement project in the next three years. I had fun during the Chinese language tutorial. After the tutorial sessions, we played a few games and that marked the end of the first day at Rumah Anak Kesayanganku.
The next day, the children were already waiting for us in front of the glass door to welcome us. I was glad that they were braver than yesterday. That also meant that we felt closer to each other. We started with a few games so that the children would feel fresher. I was impressed by the way Azwan conduct activities. He managed to get the children’s attention. I learned a lot from him. Then, we started the academic tutoring sessions. Again, I was in charge of the Chinese language tutoring sessions. I did a recap of what they learnt yesterday, and surprisingly they remembered all of it. I was touched, as the children were very interested in learning Chinese language. Then, I taught them another Chinese song, and they liked it a lot. They were singing loudly with me. I taught them a few common Chinese words as well. After tutoring sessions, there was game sessions with the children. However, I did not join the games because I was in charge to do the decorations for them. I put the papers they wrote their ambition yesterday with strings. After that, I joined the group activities. One of the activities was ‘superhero’. The children were very creative. They were more creative than I was. I learnt their creativeness. After a sharing session and  photo sessions with them, we left the orphanage.
I enjoyed myself in the volunteering programs to Rumah Tumpangan dan Sekolah Anak-Anak Yatim dan Miskin and Rumah Anak Kesayanganku. Even though I joined several volunteering programs when I was in secondary school, but this is by far the most enjoyable volunteering programs that I had ever have. This is the first time I feel close with the people involved in the programs, because I am braver now compared to secondary school. I talked to the children and listened to their stories and complaints. After this project, I am more appreciative to what I have. I am thankful that I was born in a loving family. I also realised that I am more patient than I thought. Besides, I was too ignorant. I did not know what happened surrounding me except those in textbooks. I realise that I should change my attitude. I must join more activities so that I am more aware of the situation nowadays. There are more things to do except studying. I would not hesitate to join volunteering programs anymore, as it is my responsibility to love and care for the needy community. Lastly, I would like to thank my group members for making this project a success and apologize if I offended any of them. Thank you, social engagement!


Tan Sue Lyn

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