Thursday, 26 May 2016

Aizuddin's Self Reflection

I thought that Social Engagement is only a university course that is compulsory to take, but it was more than that. I learnt a lot from this program, from the day we plan to the final moment with the children.

Firstly, I learnt how to communicate and compromise with my other teammates. It's not easy to get 11 heads together and agree with something, especially something big like this program. It's also not easy to make sure that everybody gives commitment to the team and did their job, especially when we have such a busy semester. I believe that this job is not only the work of the leader (in this case, Afif), but everyone should help in making sure that their friends did their job.

Secondly, I learn how to approach and get close to children. Hearing their stories really touch my heart since most of them come from a poor family. I find that communicating with children is not easy and needs sincerity and experience. I came to Rumah Anak Yatim Kesayanganku, hoping that I can teach them something and share my experience and knowledge, but it turns out that I, who learnt a lot from them. Since my family background is completely different from theirs, I get to know their feelings and experience of losing someone we love and lean on.

As a conclusion, I really learnt a lot from this program. This is a great experience for me to become a well rounded engineer that not only master scientific theory and numerical intelligence, but also become an engineer that care for the society.

                                                                                                        Muhammad Aizuddin bin Hambali
                                                                                                        26 May 2016

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