Friday, 25 March 2016

Our First Presentation!

After a lot of thoughts and discussions, we decided to conduct two volunteering project, that is:
     1. Rumah Anak Yatim Kesayanganku
     2. The Society of Petroleum Engineers

We took our first step by presenting our ideas to Encik Iskandar, our social engagement's lecturer. The presentation was conducted yesterday, 24th march at the Chemical Engineering meeting room.

preparing ourselves before the interview

minutes before presentation, mixed feelings of nervousness and excitement

our leader, Afif introducing ourselves and the discussed project

focus during presentation, Encik Iskandar too!

Our handsome member, Azwan showing thumbs up, he presented well!

Encik Iskandar seems to have a lot of thoughts about our project

Alif confidently explained about our tentatives

Our cute group member, Sue Lyn presenting about our project

First group photo shoot with Encik Iskandar!

Candid version!

The presentation was pretty much a success as Encik Iskandar agreed with our 
project. May this become a stepping stone for our project. GRACIAS!

                                                                                                By: Aizuddin
                                                                                                25th March 2016

Friday, 18 March 2016

That's how our journey begins...

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.                         Margaret Mead

  From a simple intention to create a loving and caring society, we come out with a few plans to engage with and help the society. I am pleased that my group members are enthusiastic and do not hesitate about taking their respective responsibilities to lend a helping hand to the society. Several plans are discussed in the first meeting, as follows:

  • as a guide at Petrosains
  • join volunteering program under PPUM
  • cheer up the orphans in Gombak
  • give free tuitions to the children of PPUM staffs
We are still in the progress of contacting the person concerned. And we are excited for the implementation of the plan. A big thank to our advisor, Prof. Dr. Nik Meriam Binti Nik Sulaiman, for giving us constructive advice and suggestion of plans as well as moral support. 

Stay tuned for more details!! 

By: Tan Sue Lyn
17 March 2016 

Thursday, 17 March 2016


Group leader:
  Mohd Afif Hazmi bin Anuar 

Assistant Group Leader:
  Chew Mei Sung  
Group Members:

 Alif Haikal bin Hamdan 

Tan Sue Lyn

       Nur’ain Soofiyah binti Lukman Hakim      

           Azwan bin Shari@Disipeli         

   Nur Zalikha binti Azlan  

                                       Aizuddin bin Hambali   
                            Noor Hashimah binti Kamaruzaman  

                                   Nor Syakirah Ahmad Shukri   

                               Putri Humairah binti Monashofian Putra   





       It is a social engagement project under Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, aimed to involve students in engaging and lending a hand to the ones who need help in our society in Malaysia.

       Through this blog, we would like to share our progress along our journey to make our plan a success one, as well as for future references for others.